solidgoldfx Lysis MKII
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Lysis · Poly Octave Down Fuzz Modulator MKII
The Lysis MKII is designed to meld the world of strings with that of synths. The Lysis MKII applies thick, resonant filters, multiple polyphonic voicings and sweeping LFO’s, all drenched in an analog square-wave fuzz to your instrument of choice.
At the core of the Lysis is a discrete FET preamp and high-gain fuzz circuit feeding into our digital polyphonic voice and filter generator, then back into a discrete transistor output stage offering the best of both analog and digital signal processing.
While the high-pass and low-pass filters carry over from the previous generation, they are controlled by our new tap tempo LFO loaded with 33 different triangle, sine and square waveshapes coupled with 3 preset resonance settings for your choice of soft modulation or heavy, rhythmic sweeps. The Voice selector has been expanded to include the previous octave down setting as well as a new octave down/octave up voicing and our Super Power Chord featuring octave down/fifth pitch shifting.
Combined with our feature rich yet easy to use control set, the Lysis MKII quickly becomes an extension of your instrument and an inspirational toolbox. There’s nothing left to do but to plug in and let the Lysis MKII sweep you off to synth/fuzz nirvana.
- Frequency
- See: Mode [toggle] This knob changes depending on the position of the Mode toggle, and can be manipulated using an expression pedal. In Fixed mode (left), Freq changes the cutoff frequency of the filter. In Modulated mode (right), Freq changes the speed at which the filter modulates.
- Mod
- See: Mode [toggle] This knob changes depending on the position of the Mode toggle. In Fixed mode (left), Mod changes the rate and depth of the onboard vibrato circuit. At full counter-clockwise, the rate and depth are at their lowest. At full clockwise, the rate and depth are at their highest. Using this in conjunction with the Blend control transforms the circuit from chorus to vibrato and even includes some mild flanger tones. In Modulated mode (right), Mod engages a filter LFO, controlling the depth as you turn it clockwise.
- Blend
- This control gives you a blend between the fuzz section and the filter section. At full counter-clockwise, only the fuzz is heard, and at full clockwise, only the filter is heard.
- Fuzz
- Controls the amount of fuzz in the circuit as well as attenuated treble. At full counter-clockwise, you’ll hear a warm, lightly crunchy tone, and at full clockwise, you’ll unlock a searing lead fuzz tone.
- Volume
- This is a master volume control, and you’ll find the best results at any setting other than zero.
- Warp (Switch)
- This toggle switch changes the behavior of the Mod knob and how the corresponding Warp footswitch affects it. When switched to the left, the Warp footswitch will force the knob from its current position fully counter-clockwise to zero. When switched to the right, the Warp footswitch will max out the Mod control from its current position
- Voice (Switch)
- This two-position toggle adjusts the prominence of the always-on polyphonic low octave circuit. When the Voice is switched to the left, a mild polyphonic octave-down circuit is engaged that rolls off high frequencies and thickens the signal. When switched to the right, a more aggressive synth-like polyphonic octave down circuit jumps to the front of the mix, and is especially useful with the high-pass filter engaged.
- LPF/HPF (Switch)
- This changes the filter type. The left position engages a low-pass filter while the right engages a high-pass filter.
- Mode (Switch)
- This changes whether or not the filter is fixed (left) or modulated (right). When the Mode is switched to the left, the Filter can be manually manipulated by either your fingers or an expression device. When the Mode is switched to the right, the Filter sweeps automatically at a rate set by the Freq knob.
- Dimensions
- 119mm x 94mm x 30mm
- Power
- The Lysis requires a center-negative 9VDC power adapter with at least 60mA of current (not included). Almost all power supplies meet this requirement, but check yours beforehand. There is no option for a battery.